Foto is van Dec 2007, in de pyramide ligt ook Tytti, links
1 x Nominatie BIS
Show 7 maart 2010 Tienen: Judge: F. Millcent: Qualification: CAGCIB
Show 21 february 2010 Hilversum: Judge A. Witticj. Qualification: CAGCIB
Show 2 february 2008 Hannover: Judge: J. Kytlerova
Type: Ex. gebaut.
Head: Ex. type
Eyes: EX.
Ears: EX
Coat: Ex. texture
Tail: Ex
Condition: Ex.
Genral impression: sehr suss.
Qualification: EX. 1; CAGCIB
Show 13 januari 08 in Haarlem: Judge was: A. Paloluoma (Fin)
Type: Developing lady in proportional body
Head: Triangle. Straight nose line. Med. chin.
Eyes: Well placed and sized
Ears: Follow the line of the head. Open base. Small tuffs.
Coat: Pure white coat in semi long soft hair. Glossy longer hair on top. Still developing
Tail: Long and well furnished
Remarks: Sweet temperament, relaxed
Qualification: CACIB