GIC Titran’s Novikoff: BIS in Tienen 7 maart 2010
BIV: 4x
Nominations for Best In Show: 4x
BIS: 1x
Bij de Noorse Beste Boskat verkiezing 2009, werd ik 3e met 409 punten.
Bij de Noorse Beste Boskat verkiezing 2010, werd ik 6e met 386 punten.
Jury reports:
Jury Report: Show in Kalkar d.d. 03-10-2010. Jury: I. Rohr
Type: Ex. strong built boy, ex bodyshape.
Head: Ex. profile, chin and forehead, ex. triangle shape.
Eyes: Ex. in expression.
Ears: Ex set, shape and size.
Coat: Ex. texture, today summer coat.
Tail: Ex. long, not bushy, summer coat.
Condition: Ex.
Remarks: Nice boy.
Qualification: CACS
Shiedam, 7 -9-2008: Ex. 1, BIV + NOM. BIS
Gorredijk: 19-10-2008: Ex. 1
Nieuwegein: 16-11-2008: Ex. 1
Genk, Belgium 21-12-2008: Ex. 1
Hamburg, Germany 21-2-2009: CAC + BIV
Hamburg, Germany 22-2-2009: CAC + BIV
Tienen, Belgium, 8-3-2009: CAC
Zwolle, 15-3-2009: Nom BIS
Arnhem, 12-4-2009: CACIB, Nom. BIS
Koblenz, Germany: CACIB
Alkmaar, 17-5-2009: CACIB
Rijswijk: 15-11-2009: CAGCIB
Dinslaken, 21-11-2009: CAGCIB
Dinslaken, 21-11-2009: CAGCIB
Tienen, Belgium, 07-03-2010: GAGCIB, BIV, Nominatie BIS, BIS
Jurylid: F.Milcent
Spijkenisse, 28-03-2010: CAGCIB
Jurylid: A. Woelm
Arnhem, 04-04-2010: CAGCIB
Jurylid: U. Olsson
Arnhem, 05-04-2010: CACS
Jurylid: A. Persson
Alkmaar, 16-05-2010: CACS
Jurylid: Leslie Wahl
Genk, Belgium, 26-09-2010: CACS
Jurylid: Charles Spijker
Kalkar, Germany, 02-10-2010: CACS
Jurylid: L. Burani
Kalkar, Gemrany, 03-10-2010: CACS
Jurylid: .Rohr
Tienen, Belgium, 06-03-2011: CACS
Jurylid: Charles Spijker
Arnhem, 24-04-2011: Ex. 1, no certificate. The judge told me the following: Remarks: Condition ok, too much excessive paudering, and a stud tail! I had other people to look at his tail, and they said it was not a stud tail! But, as we all know, the judge is always right! You can complaint, but this doen’t help.
Jurylid: Lena Lund